All tasks are posted on your home page, which is always available by clicking on the Home tab, as well as on your calendar section. Use these pages to review the task list in any way that's convenient for you.
If you do sign up to help with a task, you'll get a confirmation email, as well as reminder emails one month before, one week before, and one day before the task date.
The left-hand side of your home page also contains links to different Community sections that have been created especially for your community. Every community automatically includes sections for Announcements, a Photo Gallery, special Resources, a community Message Board, and a Well Wishes message board. Additional custom sections may be created by the coordinators of your community to post such things as recipes, memory book, other photo galleries, and journals and blogs.
You might want to review your member profile information for accuracy. To do so, click on the Me tab.
For more help, look for help links with a yellow dot